Simply forward the original message to recipients with the audio attachment included. Is it possible to forward an email with a recorded voicemail to someone so that they can listen to it? When you forward the email, the person will see the MP3 file as an attachment. They can then play the MP3 using their computer's default audio player. What options are there for changing how calls are answered for my personal or departmental KU number?
There are a number of options to change the way your calls are answered.
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If I forward a call to my cell phone, will the caller see my cell phone number? When the call connects, the caller will see the original number they called. Can I use Skype for Business phone service to call ?
However, your cell phone should be your primary method for emergency calls while on campus, because Skype for Business phone service will not work in the event of a power outage, network outage or IT service outage. Because Skype for Business phone service will not work in the event of a power outage, network outage or IT service outage, you should use your cell phone to make emergency calls while on campus.
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What are the options for setting up our department phone number? Upon request, a phone number can be assigned to a shared departmental email account. Incoming calls will ring everyone in the group. When calls come in, users will receive a pop-up notification indicating the call is for the department account. Users in the group will need to review the pop-up notification to know if the call is for their personal line or the department account.
How to Record a Phone Call on Your Computer
When calls come in for personal or departmental numbers, you will receive a pop-up notification. You will need to review the pop-up notification to know if the call is for your personal line or the department account. At this time users are unable to customize the outgoing message for shared number accounts. Where can I get help or instruction for using Skype for Business phone service? Skype for Business Training: Skype for Business Phone Service: Faculty and staff will receive information about Skype for Business phone service workshop opportunities once their unit has been scheduled for transition.
I use a Mac. Will I get Skype for Business phone service? Skype for Business is now stable in the Mac environment and is ready for regular, daily use. At this time there is not an official client for Linux. Will KU save money on campus phone service? We do not anticipate significant cost savings. However, Skype for Business phone service adds significant functionality for campus units without presently increasing the cost associated with phone service.
Like the traditional campus phone service, Skype for Business phone service still requires circuits and other infrastructure. Skype for Business phone service is simply a new method of connecting to the public telephone network. KU must still pay the costs of connecting to the public telephone network, along with long-distance charges. Skype for Business phone service will not change the phone service cost structure for campus units.
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Where can I provide feedback about Skype for Business phone service? Can I add video to a voice call? What software do I need?
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On Windows machines, you must be running the latest version of the Skype for Business Server client. You will need to download the Lync mobile client from the appropriate app store for your device.
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More information about Skype for Business for mobile devices is available on Microsoft's Skype for Business website. You can find instructions for setting up the Lync mobile client on various mobile devices at: Set up Lync for iOS.
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- Set meeting audio options in Skype Meetings App (Skype for Business Web App);
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Set up Lync for Android. Set up Lync for Windows Phone. Set up Lync for Mac. Set up Lync for Windows.
Skype for Business will work with built-in speakers, microphones and cameras, however, we recommend Skype for Business-optimized headsets or external speakerphones for Skype for Business voice and video. Is any training available for Skype for Business? Skype for Business guides, Knowledge Base articles and other training options are available on the Using Skype for Business page to help you learn and use Skype for Business.
After the Skype for Business client is installed on your computer, it takes about hours for the address book to be populated. Does an off-campus meeting attendee need admin rights to install the Skype for Business web plugin when joining through the Skype for Business Web App? Most likely, the attendee will be able to download and install the plug in on their own. What Web browsers and versions are supported with the Skype for Business Web app to join online meetings? More information on the specific versions that are supported is available in our Knowledge Base article.
Can I use a toll-free number instead of the local number that is automatically created for the meeting? While it is technically possible to delete the local number in the meeting invite and replace it with a toll free number, we advise against editing the footer with the meeting join information. That is because you could run into an issue where you have some attendees who are joining through their computer's audio and some joining with the toll-free number which will not be connected to the meeting space. Instructions for scheduling an online meeting via Outlook can be found here for PC and here for Mac.
Can I schedule online meetings with any email client other than Microsoft Outlook? How do I Skype for Business-enable an existing meeting on my Exchange calendar? Please see our Knowledge Base article. How do I create an impromptu Skype for Business online meeting so I can meet with people right away? Instructions for creating an impromptu online Skype for Business meeting can be found here for PC and here for Mac. I don't have a webcam. Can I still view video that is shared by other meeting participants?

You will be able to view their video feeds. View All Features. The portal includes a number of innovative features, including: FlexiSPY Alert Wizard — Track 'hot' words in messages, know when a device enters a 'location of interest' or when a specific number calls the target phone. GPS Navigator Widget — Manage hundreds of coordinates for use in other tracking apps like Google Maps — you can even replay the step by step movements of the target phone!
Individual Dashboards — Handle multiple devices at once — allowing you to easily monitor your workforce or family. Download recorded calls in bulk using our unique download manager. Buy Now.