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Samsung Galaxy A3 vs Samsung Galaxy A2 Core
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Three different input methods are also possible: voice dictation, swipe to input, or simply via the keyboard. Samsung treats the Galaxy A3 to a 4. Since the screen does not have a backlight, black pixels are really pitch black. Consequently, colors look very bright but can also look overemphasized at the same time. The user can select between automatic control and one of three profiles.
We used a photospectrometer and the CalMAN software for a detailed analysis of the color reproduction. However, the colors were also rather subdued. The colors in the "Photo" profile were slightly brighter, but also less accurate. Finally, the colors in the "Movie" profile were very bright, although lighter hues exhibited a slight bluish cast. Overall, the color reproduction is considerably more accurate in the "Standard" profile than in the comparison devices.
However, they are still a little too inaccurate for professional use.
The screen's very good contrast and the relatively high brightness are strong indications of good legibility in the outdoors. However, the glossy screen counters that. Brightly lit rooms or the shaded areas are not a problem from the outset. The SoC in the Galaxy A3 could actually clock with up to 1. However, Samsung throttles it to 1. Internet browsing is also somewhat faster with the Galaxy A3 than with the comparable devices. Nevertheless, the graphics card should be adequate for fast game play. The graphics card is adequate for most games in Google's Play Store.
This makes it evident that it is not a top-of-the-line graphics solution. The precise touchscreen and sensors also contribute to pleasant gaming. This is, in fact, only marginally more than in idle mode where we measured We also checked whether the graphics card throttles during prolonged load with the battery test of GFXBench. Speakers were never a highlight of Samsung's smartphones, and the Galaxy A3 cannot set any new standards here.
There are hardly any low pitches, and the trebles tend to clash unpleasantly. Thus, it is advisable to use the incorporated 3.
It ranges between 0. Even the standby consumption of 0. Unlike most comparison devices, the phone still drains a minimum of power from the battery when it is shut down. Thus, it is slightly smaller than the one in most comparison devices. However, the Galaxy A3 achieves quite decent runtimes due to its low consumption. Basically, Samsung has managed a fantastic comeback with its Galaxy A series. However, this also involves a few losses. The removable battery, for example, has been axed. Compared with the larger Galaxy A5, some cutbacks have been made in the smaller model.
The voice quality is not ideal, either. The microphone has occasional dropouts, and the contact does not sound as clear as in some higher-quality smartphones. On the other hand, the buyer gets a nice-to-use touchscreen that is also very bright, and can score in both color reproduction and viewing angles.
- Product information.
- Samsung Galaxy A3 Smartphone Review - Reviews.
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- Black screen of death, but can't shut down;
The camera equipment and the battery life are both decent. However, it is also slightly more expensive. The removable battery was an important argument for many Galaxy smartphone users. That is no longer available in the Galaxy A lineup. The high-quality feel of the Galaxy A, but then, it is also a bit more expensive. Are you a techie who knows how to write? Then join our Team! Especially English native speakers welcome! Best Displays , for University Students.
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